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Dry Eye Treatment

Find relief from dry, itchy, irritated eyes.

Advanced Dry Eye Treatment

ViewPointe Vision is proud to offer new and advanced treatments for those suffering from dry eyes beyond the typical lubricating tears. Over the years, technology has evolved and our understanding of dry eye disease has drastically improved. This allows us to better manage this disease of the ocular surface with many effective methods and with stronger, longer-lasting effects.

OptiLight IPL

Dry eye disease can have a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including redness, irritation, and a feeling of grittiness in the eyes. While there are a number of treatments available for dry eye disease, one promising new option is OptiLight IPL by Lumenis.

OptiLight IPL is a cutting-edge treatment using Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology to stimulate the production of healthy tears and reduce inflammation around the eyes by working upstream, which leads to longer-term benefits. This treatment has been shown to be highly effective at improving the symptoms of dry eye disease, and may be an ideal option for those looking for a non-invasive, non-surgical solution to their condition.

Most treatment regimens take place over four quick procedures, using a specialized, FDA-approved IPL device to deliver a series of light pulses to the skin around the eyes. This highly targeted treatment can be customized to address the specific needs of each individual patient, making it an ideal option for those with more severe cases of dry eye disease, as well as those who may have tried other treatments in the past without success.


A leading cause of over 80% of dry eye cases is a condition known as meibomian gland dysfunction, or MGD, which occurs when the oil glands in the eyelids become clogged or blocked. LipiFlow is a popular and effective therapy for dry eye disease that uses a combination of heat and pressure to address MGD.

LipiFlow treatment works by applying targeted heat and gentle pressure to the blocked meibomian glands, allowing them to release their trapped oils. The quick and comfortable procedure involves the use of a small handheld device that is placed over the eyelids and typically takes less than 20 minutes to complete. Many studies agree that LipiFlow is highly effective at improving the symptoms caused by MGD, with one clinical trial finding that over 79% of patients experienced significant improvement in their dry eye symptoms after just one LipiFlow treatment.

Some key advantages of LipiFlow treatment is that it is a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that does not require any anesthesia or recovery time and patients are able to return to their normal activities immediately after the procedure. Additionally, LipiFlow treatment is a safe and well-tolerated procedure, with few side effects reported.

Dry eyes are not only uncomfortable — they can also be bad for the health of your eyes. Book an appointment at ViewPointe Vision to find relief.